Welcome to Innkeeping 101!

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Sunday, January 31, 2010

Why This Blog?

Ashland Bed and Breakfast Network is hosting this innkeeping forum in partial fulfillment of our organization's educational mandate. The views expressed here are the opinions of the individual posters, and do not necessarily reflect the views or beliefs of all members of the Ashland Bed and Breakfast Network.

This blog is monitored and moderated by the ABBN Educational Committee.

We will reply to questions and comments as quickly as we can. This may not be too often during our high season--May through October.

Please subscribe! Join the conversation!

1 comment:

  1. The City of Ashland Oregon has energy rebates and incentives available for investment in both energy efficient appliances and energy conservation projects such as attic insulation. Similar programs may be available from your local municipality making this sort of investment attractive. There are also state and federal tax deductions attached to these projects making them even more attractive.


Please feel free to add your own two cents or to ask a follow-up question. Your comment will appear after the moderator reads and approves it.